Mindset Mastery is our inaugural Kingmaker University course where in a little over 1 month, you can dramatically amplify your whole life. Working through a series of short video modules each week, you will focus on key areas such as obtaining a clear vision, solidifying your identity, strengthening your routines and habits, diving into your subconscious, reframing your relationship with money, and smashing through the barriers of fears and adversities.

The course is 100% online, work at your own pace, with videos and activities carefully crafted to support your growth. It's like having a coach in your pocket.

There is no better time than right now to make a positive change in your life. No more wishing things were different. There's no reason at all why things can't change IF that is what you really want. It doesn’t take long, it doesn’t take huge amounts of effort. Just commitment, persistence, and a belief that you deserve more.


Over three weeks, take massive action towards achieving one priority goal in your life. This self-paced workbook will guide you through the process of clarifying what your goals are, breaking them down into priority focus, and then actually taking achievable, actionable steps to making that goal a reality in your life.  Magnify the focus on a single goal of your choosing and watch as you become the KING or QUEEN of your life in the process. Take back your power. Live your life with YOU at the steering wheel. Goals are meant for MORE than just sitting on paper. 


Want to live everyday in your highest, greatest energy? We have put together a complete breakdown of the exact habits and routines that all Kingmaker clients and followers do morning, noon, and night. This is the exact blueprint for shifting your energy into one that isn't working for you anymore to one that brings you high levels of energy and enthusiasm about your life, high levels of trust and positivity about what you are doing, and high levels of focus, creativity, and abundance in all that you do. 13 pages of free Kingmaker knowledge because we know how valuable formation like this is to one's life. We don't just tell you WHAT we do, but WHY we do it. And it works. Every time we fall into a slump or a period of low energy, we know exactly what we need to do to bring us back into our power.



Have questions? Contact us directly and we'll respond to you directly.


Got questions? Want to find out how the Kingmaker can work for you and your team, company or organization? Get in touch today.

Carlo Chincarini - The Kingmaker is poised to captivate audiences, leaving an indelible mark on your show or media outlet. Join us in experiencing the magnetic energy and empowering insights of a true luminary in the world of high performance and personal development.
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Phone: +61457 355183